Beary Tales
K.B. Miller (Goodreads Author), Jennifer Malone Wright
(Goodreads Author), Willow Cross (Goodreads Author),
Expected publication: June 1st 2013
Once upon a time, something wicked was woven. A magic formed by darkness and pain, a magic that only the victim of a broken heart could have created.
The death of her one true love has forced Goldalynn to use dark magic. Determined to bring him back she discovers she must acquire the pelts of three bears under the light of the blue moon to fulfill the spell.
The blue moon has risen and the three bears are caged, awaiting the fate of Goldalynn’s deadly spell. But, their cries for help were heard across the magical realms and their Fairy God Uncle has been called. A collision of spells, magic dark and light create a curse, a curse that turns the bears fur into soft skin and their paws into delicate arms and legs… a curse that turns them human.
The girls are now the charges of their Fairy God Uncle until they no longer need him. Not knowing what to call them, he gives them the most important part of their human identities … their names, Katya, Nita, and Leilanni. With his help, these three bears in human bodies journey through the lands of modern fairy tales trying to find a way to break the curse.
This dark fairy tale is not the book your mother read you when tucking you in at night, you won’t find a fairy tale princess who needs a rescue, but there might be a prince or three in this world. Find out as Beary Tales takes you on a magically twisted adventure.
The death of her one true love has forced Goldalynn to use dark magic. Determined to bring him back she discovers she must acquire the pelts of three bears under the light of the blue moon to fulfill the spell.
The blue moon has risen and the three bears are caged, awaiting the fate of Goldalynn’s deadly spell. But, their cries for help were heard across the magical realms and their Fairy God Uncle has been called. A collision of spells, magic dark and light create a curse, a curse that turns the bears fur into soft skin and their paws into delicate arms and legs… a curse that turns them human.
The girls are now the charges of their Fairy God Uncle until they no longer need him. Not knowing what to call them, he gives them the most important part of their human identities … their names, Katya, Nita, and Leilanni. With his help, these three bears in human bodies journey through the lands of modern fairy tales trying to find a way to break the curse.
This dark fairy tale is not the book your mother read you when tucking you in at night, you won’t find a fairy tale princess who needs a rescue, but there might be a prince or three in this world. Find out as Beary Tales takes you on a magically twisted adventure.
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Seriously, if I wrote a book about myself it would take you 10 minutes to read and you would be bored stiff after the first 2! LOL
I'm a full-time writer, wife, and mother. Which basically means there's always a surplus of pencils lost somewhere in my hair, I usually have some place to be(I'm always late), I have a bad habit of calling family and friends random character's names (from my books), I talk to myself because no one else listens to me, and I can throw together a mean dinner for 8 with only 10 minutes notice and four ingredients in the pantry, LOL.
If you can't find me on the sidelines of my sons' football games, online, cooking, cleaning, shopping, at the local coffee joint or on the phone wandering aimlessly throughout my house then I've probably hidden myself in my "bat-cave" to write.
I have a positive attitude, and absolute fun-loving approach to life. That makes it easy for the voices in my head to take over on a regular basis providing endless hours of entertainment for my pleasure, and hopefully yours.
Random facts about me:
~My favorite color is pink
~I have a Bishon Frise puppy named Cullen Edward
~My favorite music is hip-hop
~I have a severe addiction to coffee. So much so, that those in my inner circle refuse to speak to me before caffeine O'clock! True Story
Enjoy the ride.
~K.B. xoxo
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Jennifer Malone Wright is best known for her short story series, The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter. Other works include the follow up to The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter series called The Arcadia Falls Chronicles and her vampire novel called The Birth of Jaiden. Jennifer also co-authors a series called Once Upon A Zombie Apocalypse as well as another project which hasn’t been announced yet.
She resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children where she practices preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Just kidding!
But seriously, between the craziness of taking care of her children, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on her beloved fiction or chatting with her equally crazy friends.
Jennifer also loves coffee, has a passionate affair with red bull, wishes the sushi were better where she lives and dances while she cleans.
She resides in the beautiful mountains of northern Idaho with her husband and five children where she practices preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Just kidding!
But seriously, between the craziness of taking care of her children, Jennifer has little time left for herself. The time she does have left, usually leading far into the night, is spent working on her beloved fiction or chatting with her equally crazy friends.
Jennifer also loves coffee, has a passionate affair with red bull, wishes the sushi were better where she lives and dances while she cleans.
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Willow Cross resides in Arkansas with her husband, two children still young enough to live at home, an enormous cat named Bitsy, and a scaredy-cat dog named Tank. Her home has been known to host the occasional ghost, and a few of her friends profess to be witches. Although she dearly loves Vampires and Werewolves, they are never invited for dinner.
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