Cobra Carpenter has trouble with substance abuse, staying out of jail, and seeing things that aren’t really there. A big city boy, he’s been released from prison (again) just in time to inherit his dead grandmother’s inn on the outskirts of Yellowstone National Park. He has also just been granted full custody of his twelve year old kid, Zoe, whose only non-imaginary friend is a kleptomaniac hypochondriac who lives in fear of rabies and bacon.
Zoe inherited Cobra’s flair for seeing things that aren’t really there, and he is none too happy about it. To complicate matters, the inn’s manager, Regina Oxford, insists those imaginary things that aren’t really there…are really there; every dragon, fairy, zombie, talking animal, ghost, and even the creepy winking statue. This includes the imaginary creatures that live at Rest Inn Peace, and the ones who rent rooms by the night. Cobra hates the crazy inn and plans an escape. But where will he and Zoe go? The world outside is crumbling; people are hungry and desperate. Here in rural Broken Spur Valley, food is plentiful, water is fresh, and life is good. Well, it’s mostly good. There are, of course, those pesky murders in town…that started the day Cobra and Zoe moved in.
Pull off your shoes and traipse through a land of fairies, dragons, trolls, and an assortment of misfit humans. Rest Inn Peace is a charming bed and breakfast nestled in a magical grove, next to a cemetery packed with brain-starved zombies.
Oh, and a word to the wise; beware of cross-eyed flying lizards with an addiction to eggplant and cauliflower.
"Welcome to Rest Inn Peace, where life begins at the end of the road."
Well, I have to begin by saying that this was sure a humdinger of a story and I am sure that no other author could twist a story the way this particular author did. I was extremely shocked and in awe about the events that took place in this story, particularly the ending. I absolutely loved all the characters in the story and how the author brought magic, suspense, mystery, and comedy into each one of these admirable creatures and the ingenious twists and turns that only this author can pull off. This was a spectacular story from beginning to end and I kept having to read more just to know what happened next. This author's writing style is so unique and so intriguing that she makes you WANT to read the stories and knows how to keep you entertained for many hours of fun that is incorporated in this story. I can't say I have a favorite character in this book, as I have had in other books by this author but the names of these characters just blew me away. I mean, seriously, Fartuous, who is not going to find that comical and intriguing. This is an incredible RECOMMENDED READ that will stick with you for to come. You might even catch yourself fantasizing, daydreaming, and giggling at your favorite parts of the book long after you have finished it. I am even wanting to sneak back into the book just to re-read and enjoy all my favorite parts. I am also very interested in knowing how this author will top this very mysterious and addicting story. Thank you, Bonnie Bernard, for another incredible look into your crazy world. I give this book 10+ crazy stars!!

Bonnie spends her time writing, hiking and having fun with her friends. She enjoys planting obscure specimens in the backyard garden to see what pops up, and she's fascinated by unseen forces and creepy-crawly things.
Skinner specializes in custom art and design. As a rebellious
child, Jerry took pocket knives to his mother's favorite furniture
and once tried to tattoo his little sister's forehead. But
instead of growing up to pursue his natural talent for
evil, Jerry makes a living as a successful graphic
work currently appears on t-shirts, newspapers, and
canvas is sacred - or safe. Jerry lives in Idaho
with his beautiful and long-suffering significant other, and two
mean-as-hell wiener dogs.
see more of his work, go here -
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