When time and distance had separated them, Raeve and Aidan look back to the past and clear the way for their future. Once again, time threatens their love as Aidan prepares to leave for his next mission.
Can two star-crossed souls learn to overcome the past in just a few days and pick up where they left off? Or are the doomed to travel the same road once again?
Only time will tell…
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Raeve felt the air change around her as Aidan closed the space between them. His body covered hers as she leaned over the railing. His chest gently pressed against her back as he slid his arms around her small waist.
“Sweetheart, I would never hurt you like he did.” His deep voice was as soft as a feather sweeping across her skin. “I love you too much to ever see you hurt. I know I'm not perfect, but I'd rather cut off my hand than ever raise it to you in anger.”
It wasn't a question in her mind. He had been the only one, even in the dark recesses of her mind that hadn't hurt her. Not with hands, nor with words. Her hands covered his as she sank back into his warmth.
“I know. I've always known that.” It was there in his touch, something she had never felt before, the soft caressing love, that promised her the world and that he would fight with everything he had inside him to give it to her.
“I really wish I had made the right choices back
then. I still feel the weight of regret for hurting you like I did. I was callous with you, and I don't deserve an ounce of your forgiveness. I just hope someday I won't feel this way.”
“You shouldn't carry that burden with you. It's over, and we're here today because of you.”
Raeve felt a small ounce of relief as he smirked at her. Looking deeply into his eyes, she saw all the love her body could hold, had been filled by him.
His lips pecked a soft kiss against her. “You know you ruined me for other women, right?”
Most of my favorite authors are indie
or self-pubbed, what made me you decide to go that route?
Secondly, after doing months of
research and watching the trending markets, conferring with authors
both indie and even a few bigger names, I decided that I really saw a
lot of the benefits even with all the work behind the scenes that
goes into the market part of self-publishing. In the end, it just
felt like a better fit. Does that mean that I’ll always self-pub?
No. But for right now, it feels like the right fit for me. Besides
What was one of the most surprising
things you learned in creating your books?

Which of your characters are you most
like? Least like?
Oh craparonis, you would have to ask
that. Ok.. I’m definitely a solid mix of Alix from Ever Mine
(because I’m an asskicker and I like my solitude) and Ferrian from
The Chronicles of the Dark Angels (in regards to some life
experiences) And well, we have the same hair and eye color. I’m
kind of partial! As for Least, that’s easy. It’s Vanish (yes I’m
aware it’s an odd name, but it suiting….trust me you’ll all
understand why when you read Ever Mine & Eternally Mine) He’s
a real piece of *Bleeeeeeeeep Bleeeepitity bleep bleeeep* yes, I
said it..BLEEP!
Do you have a particular writing habit?

Seriously though, I tend to do an
entire book outline, and sometimes scene outlines…and usually they
end up somewhere buried and I shoot from the hip. But there’s
always someone who wants to but in and say their piece or line,
(which in most cases tends to be Roc from The Chronicles of the Dark
Angels and his snarky comments to which I bust out laughing and look
like an utter loon….not so cool when you’re food shopping let me
tell you) So I have pages and pages of lines or scenes for later use
carefully tucked away for ‘Just the right moment’.
If you had to choose, which writer
would you consider a mentor?
I can’t say just one. There’s five!
So I’ll just toss them out there… in no particular order..drum
roll please!!! 1) George R R Martin. (I know, not what anyone was
thinking. But he’s truly a brilliant story teller) 2) J R
Ward/Lara Adrian/Larissa Ione/Shayla Black (Yes I know this is odd,
but they all rank appropriately to me!) 3) Vince Flynn (He’s an
avid researcher for his books and it shows. I admire that greatly) 4)
J K Rowling (Self-explanatory to anyone who’s read the Harry Potter
Series! Incredible world building concepts, mixing real world
concepts with believable magic…epic) and 5) Dr Suess. (Yes, I
went there. Why? Because I can.. *scratches head* he was simply
brilliant with his cleverly thought out and engaging stories.)
Are there any new authors that have
grasped your interest?

What is the hardest part of your
Plot twist…very unintentional plots twists caused by my
characters… Ugh, it’s such a pain in the butt some days. I
typically have a good idea of how the story is going to go and how I
want it to end, but those crazy characters in my noggin sometimes
throw me through a loop and shock the hell out of me.
Do you have any advice for other
Tons! And they can ask me anytime too on Facebook,
or email at author.m.r.murphy@gmail.com!
But to be fair, I will give one piece of advice that the wonderful
Shayla Black gave me when I first started down this treacherous path
Describe yourself in three words.
I know characters are like children but
if you could chose, who’s your favorite from your books? Of all

Any song or songs that could basically
sum up the overall mood of your writing?
Let me do this. I’ll give post a
band name and mood it invokes. That is probably the easiest way for
me.. And just so everyone knows, my playlists can be found on my
website: http://authormrmurphy.wix.com/m-r-murphy
as well as on spotify.
Dark/Sad/intrepidation: Evanescence,
Lacuna Coil, A Perfect Circle
Anger/Rage/Generally pissed off: Korn,
Linkin Park, Three Days Grace
Fights/Planning/: Muse, Halestorm,
Within Temptation
Love/Sex: Govinda, Sia, Jason Mraz
Do you plot out your books or just
freely write them and let the characters tell you what to do next?
I usually have a general plot to work
with. A
storyline and a pretty solid idea of whether it’ll be a
series or a single title. However, the story ideas usually come out
of the blue, either from some crazy dream or an errant vision while
I’m mediating. From there, I plot.
If you had to choose, which writer
would you consider the biggest influence in your writing? J R Ward &
George R R Martin. Their use of language and world building with
believable characters really sets the bar high, and I can only hope
to touch that bar at some point.
What are your current projects? Can you
share a little of your current work with us?
Current works to be released are:
Ever Mine Fall 2013
Eternally Mine Spring 2014
Here’s an excerpt from Ever Mine:
"So you planned on using my woman for your personal toy huh?" he growled out. Pounding Callus’s face with another pulverizing punch, he crushed his cheek bone and socket in one stone hard crack. "Big fucking mistake."
Ripping his arm from the socket, Damian tossed the bloody jerking limb down the corridor. Agony wailed from the males lips. He tried to make a fist with his other hand but Damian went for the male’s balls, and crushed them in his powerful hand like they were made of play-doh. Callus’s face turned lovely shades of red, then purple, finally choosing deep blue. Unable to grasp for breath, he gripped Damian's arms for support and found no purchase as he slid off from the leathers slick coating.
Damian heaved his body off the ground. Hand still attached to his balls. The idea neutering him didn’t seem so repulsive after all. With a quick swoosh, he flipped him over him shoulder, landing Callus hard on his back. Reaching into his rib side holster, Damian pulled Alix’s most sacred tool. A titanium dagger, embedded with onyx, diamonds and amethyst stones. Swinging it in front of the males face, hypnotizing him, all Callus could do was stare in terror at the fate that he would soon meet. Rising his eyes to Damian's, the blue flames licked up his face.
"What are you?" The stink of his fear poured from his shaking body, suffocating the stale air.
"I'm her mate. And you're Fucked."
Darkest Before Dawn Winter
Rising Sun Winter 2014
Soon to be rereleased: Ebooks only
Ginn Hunter
Death Becomes Him
Down the Rabbit Hole
Creole Curse
M.R.Murphy is an author of Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Romance, Erotica, Horror, Women's Lit and Science Fiction.She currently resides in the southwest with her family and one crazy cat.An avid mountain climber, explorer, there's no place M.R. Murphy won't go to seek out inspiration. As well as writing, Murphy, spends her time running her photography company, and working with disabled children. She enjoys fencing, belly dancing and traveling. Since she was a teenager, she has been working with abused horses, where she utilizes Touch Therapy with them, as she is a certified Massage therapist for Humans and Horses. Her ultimate goal in life is to inspire others to follow their dreams. Perseverance, determination, strategic planning, ambition, compassion, an faith are the cornerstones of her philosophies.
Inspired from an early age, her vivid and elaborate imagination has created worlds beyond the daily reality. Where people could morph into animals and monsters were more treacherous than the villains on Saturday morning cartoons. M.R. Murphy will take you down a dark and twisted road to show you things like you've never seen before. Where the thick veil of night consumes more than your dreams and the beings you see in the daylight aren't really what they seem. Where love crosses over oceans of time and rages against death. Nothing is ever what it seems, and the deeper you venture into the creative works of M.R.Murphy.
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Ginn Hunter (Red Wine Anthology)
Death Becomes Him (Dark Light I Anthology)
Down the Rabbit Hole (Hoblin Goblin Anthology)
Ever Mine Fall 2013
Eternally Mine Spring 2014
The Chronicles of the Dark Angels: Darkest Before Dawn Winter 2013
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