Tamara Grantham
(Fairy World M.D., Olive Kennedy)
Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing
Publication date: April 25th 2017
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance
Some heroes are fated to save the world. Others are meant to destroy it…
Olive Kennedy is all about positive thinking. She’s been stuck on Earth for the past four months, waiting for the spring equinox to arrive so she can return to Fairy World — but she’s staying positive. She’s hopeful she’ll once again see her handsome Viking fiancé who’s waiting for her. She’s optimistic that her mission to reclaim the sword of Dracon — a sword of King Arthur fame and the only weapon capable of killing Theht — won’t result in death and destruction. And then there’s the small matter of an asteroid that’s been ripped out of its orbit and is hurtling toward Earth…no biggie.
One last thing — she’s fated to destroy the world. To stop that prophecy from being fulfilled, she may have to sacrifice the one person she loves the most.
Good thing she’s staying positive.
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I stood and crossed to my bedroom, then grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. After grabbing my temporary mirror case out of a drawer, I placed it on top of my dresser.
I wasn’t sure if I should cringe or laugh as I scanned my new mirror. I’d found it at the
dollar store after a frustrating day of trying to create a new mirror box with no success. I’d bought it because it was absurd and to remind myself that it was temporary.
The plastic box was pink with the name BARBIE scrolled on the top. Inside was a foam liner that had once held five nail polish bottles. I’d cut the foam to make larger slots. Now, it held my five figurines that represented the races of Faythander: Dragon, elf, Wult, pixie, and goblin.
After unlocking the latch, I opened the lid. “You’re fabulous! Inside and out!” sang to me in a bubble-gum voice as I propped the lid open.
As I said, temporary solution. Extremely temporary. It had a mirror under the lid and was the perfect size for my figurines, so it worked. For now.
Scanning my figurines, I found the Wult and removed it from the foam, then propped it upright against the mirror. I needed to get to the Wultlands, and this would be the easiest way to do so.
I ignored the glittery scrolling along the edges of the mirror and focused on the glass. Taking a deep breath, I paused before touching my fingers to the mirror.
Months ago, the portals had started acting erratically. I’d thought the problem had been solved after we’d restored the fairies’ stone, but when I’d returned to Earth four months ago, the portal had almost torn me apart. I’d gotten several stitches in my abdomen because the crossing had been so violent. Since then, I hadn’t once been able to open a portal, but tonight, I had no choice. I needed to return to Faythander before the equinox, and I had one thing in my favor—I hadn’t tried opening a portal with my new Barbie box yet.
Here’s to hoping my luck improved, I thought. Then again, this was my luck we were talking about. Yeah, probably not.
Carefully, I placed my fingertips to the screen, inhaled a deep breath, and then conjured the word to open the portal.
Magic flowed from my heart, through my arms and hands, and into the mirror. Gold and amber swirls licked like fire over my skin as the magic interacted with the mirror, mingling with the blue glow coming from the plastic case.
The power grew inside me as the portal opened. Wind swirled around me until the room disappeared and I floated in a void. Voices came from somewhere. Soft whispers. Among them was a familiar one. The cold, detached voice of Theht.
I am here. I am waiting.
I’d gotten better at tuning her out, but being in a place like this, between worlds, made it almost impossible to keep her away.
Soon, we shall destroy the world together. Deathbringer.
The wind grew stronger and faster, wrapping around me, squeezing the air from my lungs. It compressed me until I couldn’t breathe. Pain coursed through my nerve endings as the pressure weighed me down. I felt as if I’d been buried under millions of tons of sand.
I cried out, but couldn’t hear my voice over the wind. Tears leaked from my eyes. I felt their warmth on my cheeks. In a desperate attempt to survive, I focused on the magic within me, unleashing every ounce, pouring it into the portal to keep it steady.
I thought for sure I was dead when I hit the ground. I landed awkwardly, my shoulder
and hips taking the brunt of the impact. My mirror, on the other hand, made a graceful landing in a pile of leaves beside me.
I lay on the ground, panting for air, staring at the faded blue sky through the patchwork of branches with budding green shoots.
“Never again,” I muttered between gasps. Next time, I would find a Viking ship and cross through an underground ocean filled with man-eating sea-snakes before using a portal. “Never. Again.”
On the bright side, at least I’d finally made it back to Faythander. The $.99 investment into the Barbie mirror wasn’t such a bad buy after all.

EXCLUSIVE! Never Before Seen Interview with His Majesty of Wults, King of the Ancient Vikings, King Kull the Skullsplitter
Interviewer: Today I have the privilege of interviewing arguably the most sought after personality in Faythander, Kull, King of Wults. We’ll find out if all the gossip is true. Did he lose the sword of his ancestors? Is he engaged? When can we expect a wedding? Are the rumors about that jagamoor true? Kull, we’re so glad you could make it.
Kull: Of course.
Interviewer: Tell us, how is the transition of going from playboy prince to king of an entire nation?
Kull: It’s going very well. Why? Have you heard otherwise?
Interviewer: Yes, in fact I have.
Kull: It’s all bogus. The transition couldn’t be going any better. I was just visiting the outlying villages recently and they were thriving—even with the threat of the elves trying to take over Faythander, the Wult nation is strong. Dare I say, stronger than ever before. Now, let’s change the subject, shall we?
Interviewer: Does discussing the state of your nation make you nervous?
Kull: As I said. Change the subject.
Interviewer: Not a problem. Let’s talk about the sword of your ancestors. I read recently that you made a bad deal with the witch of Dragon Spine Mountain and traded it to her to pay off your debts, and later you allowed the sword to be destroyed. Is this true?
Kull: Once again, completely bogus. Have I lost the sword? Yes. To pay off my debts? Untrue. False. Where do these rumors get started?
Interviewer: But you do admit to losing the sword? The symbol of your kingdom? Heirloom? Entrusted to you by your ancestors to always keep it safe?
Kull: Some things are more important than swords.
Interviewer: Ah yes, you’re right. I assume you’re speaking about your fiancée? We’ve not heard much about this elusive bride-to-be, but our sources have confirmed that she is indeed half-elven, and what’s worse, she’s not even in a position to unite our nations. Can you elaborate on why you chose to ally our kingdom with such an uncommon choice?
Kull: Because I love her.
Interviewer: Well, that’s obvious, isn’t it? But give us some indication as to why you picked a half-breed. There are some who claim you chose to put your own emotions above the needs of our kingdom. Is it true?
Kull: I refuse to answer such a question. Where is my drink?
Interviewer: Drink?
Kull: I’ve been waiting, most patiently, for an Earth Kingdom beverage that was promised to me if I attended this ridiculous interview.
Interviewer: Yes, I’m sure someone will get that to you just as soon as you answer a few more questions. Can you tell us when to expect the wedding?
Kull: No.
Interviewer: Aha! Is it a secret then? Is there an elopement planned?
Kull: I’m very thirsty.
Interviewer: I’m sure you are, seeing as how you’ve done so much speaking. Tell us, is your fiancée indeed possessed by the spirit of Theht?
Kull: What? Where did you hear that?
Interviewer: It’s common knowledge, really.
Kull: No, it’s not common knowledge at all. In fact, she only just told me. Who are you?
Interviewer: There’s no need for shouting.
Kull: I knew it was you!
Interviewer: Fine, the ruse is up. Here, have a Dr. Pepper.

Author Bio:
Tamara Grantham is the award-winning author of more than half a dozen books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series and the Shine novellas. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, won first place for fantasy in INDIEFAB’S Book of the Year Awards, a RONE award for best New Adult Romance of 2016, and is a #1 bestseller on Amazon in both the Mythology and Fairy Tales categories with over 100 reviews.
Tamara holds a Bachelor’s degree in English. She has been a featured speaker at the Rose State Writing Conference and has been a panelist at Comic Con Wizard World speaking on the topic of female leads. For her first published project, she collaborated with New York-Times bestselling author, William Bernhardt, in writing the Shine series.
Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rarely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks, which fuel her inspiration for creating fantastical worlds, and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made. You can find her online at
Wow, What an amazing turn of events this story has brought forth. Grantham has once again shocked me with her style of story-telling and has captured and piqued my attention with this phenomenal read. There were many shocking scenes and some spectacular moments that made this one heck of a wild adventure. The characters were awesome and magical and the story-line just blew me away and had me at the very first page. Even though the author throws us a cliffhanger at the end of this story, it is one that I can live with because I am expecting a different outcome and because I know for sure this adventure into Faythander is not over. This author did a smashing job at twisting the ending just enough to keep me craving for more and I am extremely anxious to see where she will take us next on this remarkable voyage. I highly recommend this read to all.
If you have yet to read this series, then you are missing out on one wild ride. Book one, DREAMTHIEF is free on all platforms, so get your copy and start today.
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