Letters of May, an anthology from Escaping The Vault, is a collection of artwork put together to raise awareness for mental health. The anthology consists of written materials (poetry, stories, articles, essays, etc.) and art (paintings, crafts, digital art, photography and more).
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What a fitting read. It's May and Mental Health Awareness Month and what better way to promote the cause by creating an Anthology full of letters, stories, poetry, digital art, photography, and more. I could really connect to this book in SO many ways. I suffer from Anxiety and Depression and have a tendency to flip back to my past instead of living in the present. So, this book really hit home for me. It made me feel as if I wasn't alone in my daily battles. I am so glad that I had the chance to read this incredible book and I will keep it close to me when the need arises that I need reminded that I am not alone, that others struggle as much as I do on a daily basis. I applaud these Authors for having the courage to speak out and allow others to know what they go through or their family members go through. This is also a great way to let others know what goes on inside the minds of people with mental illness and I highly recommend this be read by everybody. A MUST READ!
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