Saturday, August 18, 2018


Hello and welcome back to Black Words-White Pages!! This will be my longest post and my most emotional one yet this year. This is my recap on what happened this year at Once Upon A Book Author Signing and Gods & Goddesses Ball. It has taken me several days to collect my thoughts, pictures, videos and sort out swag and prepare for a giveaway!! I have been left with not only my emotions running amok but also a very bad OUAB hangover....Ok, enough about me....Let's get into this year's event....

This year, Black Words-White Pages shut down for this event. 

This was the swag that I took with me this year. They are magnets with my logo on them. This will be my branded logo that you will see from here on out. I believe this logo fits me perfectly!! The magnets were made by my friend, Jennifer Konkle!! My logo was made by Megan J. Parker-Squiers!!

On Thursday, August 9, 2018, Marvin and I loaded up the car and headed to Frankenmuth, Michigan at about 9 am. Don't worry, Angel Bell had somebody come and visit and check on her while we were gone. 😉

At about 2 pm, we finally made it to the Heidelberg Motel in Bridgeport, Michigan which was 5 miles from the Bavarian Inn Lodge. This year, they gave us room number 1 instead of number 4. We stayed from August 9-12 and made it into a little vacation. Once we got settled, we did a bit of resting to prepare for some fun that night..

(Lynn Shaw and her magnetic butterfly and Chicken Bookmark)

Once we were a bit rested, Marvin and I headed over to the Bavarian Inn Lodge where Lynn Shaw and her MIL, Mary were staying and we sat and talk with them for a while and just got the chance to get to know each other a bit more. It was so much fun and I am honored to call Lynn my best friend in the book community!! I know Lynn as a blogger/reader/reviewer but also the chicken lady, hence the chicken bookmark!! 😘🐔

And Lynn had a surprise gift for me too!!

(Starting on the right and around the table)
Me, Victoria Flynn, Lynn Shaw, Mary Shaw, Brian Gilbert, Heather Gilbert, Solease M. Barner, Heather Karn, and Jacob Flynn. Marvin took the picture.

At about 6 pm Friday evening, Marvin, Lynn, Mary and I headed over to TDUBS to eat dinner that night and we got to hang out and eat with some really awesome people!! We shared many stories and laughs while enjoying everybody's company. I will always remember about the story of  'Grandma tushie' from Solease.

The night ended for Marvin and myself and we went back to try and get some sleep and get ready for Friday and the events that would be taking place.

Friday morning, Marvin and I got up and ready for the day and went out for breakfast before we needed to be at the lodge for registration. I was actually awake since 3 am that morning!! 😆 No sleep for a fangirl!! 😍

Once you drive through the bridge and turned into the lodge, the sign for OUAB was out for everyone to see!! After breakfast, Marvin and I went to the Lodge to meet Lynn and Mary again. Lynn, Marvin and myself headed upstairs to the lodge where all the activities would be going on and to get registered and pick up our stuff.

Here we go into the event itself...

The registration table and these two magnificent ladies ran this table. We checked in, got our totes full of swag, tickets, signature board and I bought a t-shirt too. 😊 

While Marvin, Lynn and I waited for the panels to start, Lynn and I took a selfie together and sat impatiently waiting to get in...

And while we waited, some very awesome people were starting to show up and I had crocheted presents for some of them...

(Delphina and Deedle and her magnetic butterfly)

(Rue Volley and her pug)
(I have been Facebook friends with her for 7 years and I FINALLY got to meet her in person)

(Heather H. Mullins and her fish tank)

(Solease M. Barner and her Forget-Me-Not Flower Bookmark)

(Brenda Hasse and her Unicorn)


Our hostess with the mostest and the Goddess herself, Stacey Rourke, started off the panels with a few words about what would be happening this year for the next two days!!

This year, Stacey Rourke surprised us all by bringing in a key note speaker!! Quinn Loftis gave us a phenomenal speech about the power of an author's words and the impact they have on the readers and I kid you not, this woman had everybody in tears from her speech!!  You can watch this video HERE or from the fan page HERE.

(From right to left: Sarah J. Pepper, Donna Dull, Rue Volley and Tish Thawer)

Once everybody got to stretch their legs and dry their eyes from Quinn's speech, the first panel started and it was called Building Your Brand Panel Discussion. This was a powerful wake up about branding yourself and keeping it that way so that people recognize that it is YOU.

(From left-right: SF Benson, Quinn Loftis, L.H. Nicole, and Christy Sloat)

After we had a break from the first panel, we started up a second panel called What I Wish I Had Known, Tips for Aspiring Authors Panel Discussion. Here we learned about the trials and tribulations of being an author and advice on what to do and not do as an author.

(From left to right: Roberto Scarlato, Meghan Kelly, Donna Dull, and Jocqueline M. Protho)

Once we had one more break, we jumped into the last panel of the day called Why Audio? Why Now? Panel Discussion and we learned a lot about audio books and what it takes to turn a book into an audio book. This was a very informative panel and I learned a lot about the behind the scenes stuff.

During one of the panel breaks, I got another surprise and that was meeting Cheree Callestanos and Christy Sloat too!! Yep, I bawled again!! I have know these two ladies for 7 years and I FINALLY got to meet them in person too!!


Once panels were over, Marvin, Lynn, Mary and I went out to eat at subway and then went back to the motel to rest and get ready for the ball.

(Lynn Shaw was my very first signature on my board also because she just ROCKS that way) 💓
Signature board made by Rick Miles of Gone With the Grain

Here is a picture of this years totes that we bought for giveaways and the swag that was inside them!!

I also took this pic of Marvin with these two shot glasses from Amy K. McClung!! He had two shot glasses full of......Candy!!😆

And I just couldn't help myself and just HAD to take a selfie with my OUAB shirt on too!! 😜

My amazing gifts from the awesome Tina Donnelly!! 💓

And another picture to show what I got from Tina Donnelly!! 💓

I am absolutely in LOVE with my wooden coasters made by LG Miles and Gone With the Grain!!

And check out all those boxes of yarn from Brenda Hasse!! I think I have enough yarn for another year...Maybe....😜


While waiting to get into the Ball, Marvin and I had our picture taken in front of the OUAB Banners that were just outside the doors to the room by the registration table.

Also had my picture taken with the amazingly wonderful Tina Donnelly!!

Another amazing surprise and of course no surprise...I bawled again, I was to FINALLY meet the fabulous Sarah Brandon Davis, aka SJ Davis in person after 7 long years of being Facebook friends!!! She is also the owner of CHBB (Crushing Hearts Black Butterfly Publishing).

This year CHBB was a sponsor for OUAB and they donated the lanyards for this years event!! Sarah and Rue took a picture together with CHBB's logo on a banner and SURPRISE, I photo bombed the picture too!! 😜

(The lanyards)

AND NOW.....

While we were sitting FRONT row with Lynn  and Mary, which I must add was my BIGGEST highlight of the evening at that moment, I decided to make a quick live video to show everybody coming in!!

This year the ball kicked off to an opening of Disney's Hercules!! The song was Long Ago and this was just incredible and funny!! This started off the Lip Sync Challenge for the evening.

Then Stacey Rourke came up and started to talk to us a little bit and then she gave the floor to Quinn Loftis.....

Quinn Loftis told us about a song that was written for Quinn and her love of writing and not a dry eye was in the room after listening to it!! There were many pictures added to the song from previous OUAB years. You can listen and purchase it HERE.


Words on A Page

by Sauve

Co-written with the amazing Author Quinn Loftis. Lyrics are based on her love of writing, the connection to her characters and passion she shares within her work.


I started down this road 

Unsure of where it led 

Drawn from passion inside 

By so many words I’ve read. 

I didn’t fully grasp 

What this would mean to me 

Every word poured on the page 

A piece of my heart for you to see 

The laughter the tears, 

The anger and joy 

A cast of characters 

That feel like family to you 

They’re more than words on a Page 
They’re more than stories that I’ve made 
its hope and power, and hunger and pain 
its More than words on a Page 

As I write these words 
I finally understand 
Just because we want to 
Doesn’t mean we can 

So I pause my hands 
And think before I write 
Every letter and every word 
Can be your darkness or your light. 

The laughter the tears, 
The anger and joy 
A cast of characters 
That feel like family to you 

They’re more than words on a page 
They’re more than stories that I’ve made 
its hope and power, and hunger and pain 
its More than words on this page 

They’re more than words on a page 
They’re more than stories that I’ve made 
its joy and sorrow, and love and rage 
its More than words on a page.


released April 27, 2018 

Quinn Loftis, Sauve MacBean

© all rights reserved


Once a few more words were spoken, the meal started. We started off with Mandarin Orange Salad with Sweet Oil and Vinegar Dressing. Then after everyone was finished and the plates were gathered, we all got in line for the buffets that were setup in front on either side of the stage. I had a Garlic Breadstick, Green Bean Amandine, Baked Herbed Redskin Potatoes, Smoked Beef Brisket, and the Famous Bavarian Inn Frankenmuth Chicken. Once everybody's plates were collected again, our dessert was brought to the tables. We had Cherries Jubilee over French Vanilla Ice Cream and a little Hershey Kiss too. This year's meal was so yummy!! 😋

This was another Lip Sync Challenge that happened!! 

I also got to finally meet and get my picture taken with the incredible Angie Ready!!

While everyone was letting their food settle and was enjoying the company of many awesome people at their tables, the awards show kicked off. There were so many amazing winners that night and I was so glad to be one of them!!

The Nominees for Apollo's Oracle Reader of the year were Tina Donnelly, Jenny Bynum (me), Jennifer Moody, Bam Sherperd, Julie Barnard.

And after having one of the roughest years so far, I won the Reader of the Year award. I must admit that I didn't think I would win because there were so many other awesome readers that were nominated. I especially thought that the awesome Tina Donnelly might have been the one to take home the win again, but......

Black Words-White Pages was also nominated for Hermes Harolds Best Book Blog as well along with LiBuzz, 2 Girls and A Book, and I Smell Sheep. And the winner was.....

Lynn Shaw and 2 Girls and A Book!! I am so happy that Lynn won this award because she is a fabulous person and I so believe that she deserved it!! Also, her partner and other half of 2 Girls and A Book, Crystal Gray, was also there this year!!

**Before I go on, I must add that these awards are chosen by attending authors and readers and that these awards was not bias in any way** 

After the awards were over and a special call from Jay Rourke, because he was unable to be with his family due to a new job, ended and everybody was still crying, Jocqueline M. Protho got up on stage next to lip sync to the Duck Tales theme song, which of course made us all laugh!! There were four different lip sync challenges and I didn't get the other two...but the winners were chosen by how loud the room cheered for each team. And the winner of the Lip Sync Challenge was Roberto Scarlato. I am not sure if anyone took pictures but he won a HUGE gift basket.

And we can't forget the kids and they did a lip sync for Moana's Your Welcome and it was so much fun to watch too!!

The stage was torn down for some dancing and mingling with everybody!! More pictures were also taken....

Winners: Reader of the Year: Jenny Bynum (Me), Eros’s Swoon-worthy Romance: Christy Sloat for The LibrarianAthena’s Fierce Author of the Year: Rue Volley.

(Left-right: Jenny Bynum (Me), SJ Davis, Christy Sloat, and Rue Volley)

I got the honor of one final pic of the night with these amazing ladies from CHBB.


And once again, I was awake at 3 am and ready for the day to begin.

Here is OUAB Author Signing and I must add that VIP and Golden ticket holders were able to get in at 9 am to see the authors and Marvin and I were one of them that got in, hence the video of no readers. At 10 am the signing then opened to the public!!


This year's theme was called My 'Tribe' and I felt so loved by all of these phenomenally amazing people this year and I have also made some new friends. I am so proud to be a part of this 'TRIBE' community full of authors, bloggers, and readers and I so can't wait for next year either!! Below are a few people I had the honor of getting my picture taken with!!

This year falls right into the title EPIC because so much happened during this event and so much was shared by all!! 


On the road again.....After another awesome year, Marvin and I are making the trip back home. We left at about 8 am to head back to Indiana.

At about 1:30 pm on Sunday, we finally made it back home and boy were we drained...😪

After a couple of days, Marvin and I dumped all the books, swag and winnings out on our bed at home and I think we got a pretty good haul of stuff!!

And here is my signature board signed from all the authors, blogger and reader friends that I met!!

Last but surely not least, Marvin got to go Trick-Or-Treating this year at OUAB and look at all of that CANDY!! 😀

Jenny's final thoughts

This year has been a very rough year for me and Marvin with my health. I had fallen and messed up my left leg really bad, I had a blood clot go to my lung (PE), I was on oxygen at home after I was released from the hospital for the PE and I can no longer, at this time, be able to walk with my cane, and I have to use the walker. I worked really hard in Physical Therapy so I wouldn't be in a wheelchair for this event too. I was so worried that we wouldn't be to attend this year, but a lot of work and a lot of prayers, God gave us a break to be able to be there this year and I will always remember what Stacey Rourke and Tina Donnelly told me...."We are just glad that you are alive, breathing on your own without oxygen and walking and that means a lot to us". I want to thank everybody who was there this year. I really enjoyed meeting you all and I can't wait to see you all again next year!! A BIG thank you to Stacey Rourke and family, Lynn Shaw, and the awesome volunteers for putting on another successful and EPIC year that I will never forget!!


To celebrate winning Reader of the Year, I have put together a giveaway for one lucky USA winner. It is completely filled to the top with swag from this year's OUAB!! Just enter the rafflecopter to win!! Easy peasy!! This winner will be chosen on August 27th, 2018!! Good luck everybody!! DISCLAIMER: Facebook and Blogger is NOT responsible for this giveaway, I am!! 


Next year's OUAB has been announced!! It will be held on July 19 & 20 and Comic Book Bash is the theme!! Make sure to mark your calendars and come join us!!


  1. It was a pleasure to see your beautiful smile this year. Congrats on your award, you 100% deserve it. I look forward to seeing you next year. Hugs!

    1. I so enjoyed seeing your beautiful smile too and thank you for everything!! I so can't wait to see you again next year too!!

  2. Congrats Jenny you so deserve this award and more... Love you

  3. It looks like you had so much fun!! Love how you really went above and beyond to capture pretty much everything for those that couldn't attend! Congratulations on the win that is simply amazing! You totally deserve it. Keep being an awesome reviewer/blogger/friend!

  4. Sorry I missed goi! See you next year!


OUAB 2023 Finale

  Welcome to Black Words-White Pages!! My name is Jenny Zimmerman and I am going to share with you everything that happened last weekend Jul...