Happy Release Day, Kristin Clark!
The Chosen
(The Chosen Trilogy, Bk 1)
Written by: Kristin Clark
Published with: Siren Press Publishing

Chloe Caledone is counting down the days until high school graduation, ready for the day she can finally escape her boring small town and experience the world she’s only seen through other people’s eyes. So far, Chloe’s teenage years have been good but boring, and she’s managed to go through life unnoticed—until the morning of her eighteenth birthday. One fateful birthday gift and a run in with a group of the school’s most popular kids later, Chloe finds that her small town life is anything but boring, and her destiny just got a whole lot more dangerous than she’d ever imagined.
The descendant of the most powerful magical bloodline in history, Chloe has been Chosen. Together with her new friends, Chloe will find everything she thought she knew turned upside down in the wake of secrets, lies, and an unanticipated love triangle, all while she and five others descendants of the original Chosen fight to destroy a dark and powerful immortal—who has his eye set directly on Chloe.
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This isn’t how I expected death to be. I imagined it cold, dark, and lonely. This is nothing of that sort. It is warm and light. I feel everything except alone. I feel brave and strong. And loved. The only pain I feel is seeing the one I love so much hurting right now. I did what I came here to do, and now it’s over. I was chosen. Chosen to make a choice. A choice to live and a choice to die. I chose death, and dying in the arms of the man I love is peaceful. If my own life must be given in place of the lives of others, then I shall give it away.
I’ll leave a memory with everyone I’ve touched. I will remember all the time we spent together. My only hope is that his memory of me is as beautiful as my memory of him. I struggle to open my eyes, knowing what I see will shatter the dream that I want to remember when I die. Slowly I flutter my eyelids, seeing nothing except a blur through tears and blood. Focusing, I see my medallion, dangling empty of the fire it once held around my neck. It now drips crimson droplets, staining the ground on which I lie. I cringe and curl my fingers around the ancient chain, accepting it for what it is. I am gone, and with my life, the fire goes out.
“Chloe, can you hear me? Chloe. Chloe! Come on, baby, open your eyes, please. Please, open your eyes. You can’t go yet. I have so much to tell you. Come on, Chloe, please wake up. God, there is so much blood. This is all my fault. I am so sorry, baby. I’m here, Chloe. I won’t let you go; I won’t do it. I will trade places with you, my love.”
His voice is the sound of an angel, my angel. He is my reason for living. He gave me hope in my lonely, obsolete world, hope that I could fall in love and that someone could love me back no matter our differences or how absolutely normal I am … was.
I can hear him and want so badly to answer him. I want to call his name. To tell him I am here. It will be okay. Painfully, though, I can’t. Instead, I drift farther and farther away, dreaming about the time we had together, reminiscing about the not so long ago memories of falling in love with not just him, but with five other of my dearest and closest friends.
It is almost unbelievable … Hell, it is unbelievable that just a few weeks ago, I was just me. Plain, average, old-soul me. Now here I am, after finding out that I’m descended from a powerful bloodline said to be undefeatable, lying on the ground, defeated, while my soul drifts toward the light of death. Content as I am, with a smile on my face, I say good-bye.
You never know where life is going to take you. I know now what I was brought into this world to do. What I was created for. What I was chosen for.
What an amazing read!!
The characters were phenomenal. I loved all the characters, but of course the main character, Chloe was my favorite. She was so strong and knew what her destiny entailed. The story between Chloe and Drake was addicting, yet so mysterious. Clark made me think that something dark and evil was in Drake, yet he had such a kind soul and loved Chloe so very much. I kept my suspicions high with Drake because I so wanted to side with Chloe's other friends. I kind of WANTED him to be bad.
The story-line was incredible. It was so magical and it kept me glued to my kindle while reading it. I was completely mesmerized and enchanted by the story and the ending was snot crying worthy. I did not expect the ending to go as it did and because of this HUGE cliffhanger, I am impatiently waiting for the next story to come out. But go ahead, I dare you to purchase a copy and see what I am talking about. I highly recommend it!!
Meet The Author

Kristin is an avid reader and has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. Her three daughters inherited her creative mind, leaving no day uneventful. She has been a Litigation Paralegal since she graduated college and is beginning a new journey as a Realtor. When she isn’t working, carting her girls around to softball, or writing, she is snuggled up with a good book and a huge Dunkin Donuts coffee.
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