Monday, October 31, 2016

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT & REVIEW: Creatura Series by Nely Cab

Welcome back to the last week of the Author Spotlight featuring Nely Cab. This final week, I will be sharing my reviews of each book that I have read, so that you can decide for yourself whether you wanna go and purchase these books. I know in my heart that you will enjoy them as much as I have. So, let's get on with it.....

A Creatura Novella .5
Nely Cab

Deus, the creator of the universe, is almighty and powerful—until he uses his abilities to mold a companion. His newest creation, Starr, proves to be as wild as the animals that inhabit Terra. There's no controlling her. To make matters worse, she hates Deus. So what's the one boy in the universe to do when the one girl in the universe loathes him? The only illogical thing to do. He falls in love.

I have loved Creatura ever since Ms. Cab introduced to us a wondrous, mystical, and magical story back in 2011, when I won my very first print copy.

As I sit here typing this review, I have so many thoughts in my head about this compelling story that I just finished reading, and of course, I don’t want to talk too much for fear I will give something important away. Though, I do have to tell you that Prelude has once again captured my heart and made me love this author’s writing style even more. I was so addicted to this story that I actually read it in an hour.

I really enjoyed the characters in this story. I did feel sorry for Deus and his feelings throughout this story along with Starr’s feelings as well. The details were so vivid that I had a movie in my head from beginning to end. I actually had tears in my eyes for most of the story. There is so much love, joy, happiness, sadness, and an unforgettable and fabulous ending.

This is a phenomenal story that will suck you in heart and soul and may even keep a piece of it in the story when you finish reading it. This is a recommended MUST read!!

Thank you, Nely Cab, for another peek into your world!!

The Creatura Series #1
Nely Cab

When seventeen year-old Isis Martin is having trouble sleeping due to perturbing dreams of a horrific growling beast, she decides to confront her fear. But what Isis discovers is something other than a menacing entity.

The human-like creature offers Isis assurance that he is not a figment of her imagination. Unwilling to accept his avowal, Isis sets his words to contest by asking the entity to prove himself—a dare, he readily welcomes.

It is in her dreams that Isis innocently stumbles upon the silent existence of the divine lineage of those that man has long forgotten.

In a quaint town, deep in south Texas, this story leads Isis onto the path of impermissible love and captivating life-changing truths. Isis Martin's journey is sure to leave any reader ravenous for more.


I am so dumbfounded by this book, I have no words really to describe my feelings for this book. The cliffhanger itself was out of this world. This is an amazing YA Romance story with quite a twist you wouldn't expect from this book. It's kind of like a Disney story with a magical twist on it. I love the characters in the story and I must say Chapter 1 is still by far my favorite part of the whole book. I love how the author reels you right in from the beginning, and let me tell you, I WAS HOOKED!!! I love how what you think is a dream can be a reality and this author did it. This is a fast paced and so believable, you will think you are watching a movie in your head, and believe me when I say that you won't want the book to end, because I sure didn't. So, go ahead and purchase the book and be ready for a mystical, magical, and wondrous story that will keep you entertained for hours. I give this a 5 book review.

Fruit of Misfortune
The Creatura Series #2
Nely Cab

Isis' goals for the future included things like attending and graduating college. However, becoming a monster wasn't part of the plan. Isis and her boyfriend, David, are on the brink of a horrible transformation and they are eager to stop it. Together, they set out on a quest to Greece to find Isis' biological father—the only person that may be able to help them. Their journey comes to an abrupt stop before it even begins when Isis falls ill, and Eros, David's best friend, arrives in Athens, unannounced and curious…with a plan of his own.

The hunt for her father leads Isis on the turbulent path of deceit, death, and demons as she anticipates the dawning of the beast that stirs inside her.

Nely Cab has once again left me in awe and amazement. I am speechless and even more excited to have had the privilege to read and find out what had happened this book first hand. This phenomenally written story had the best and awesome twisted story that only could be written by Ms Cab. I loved the characters in the story and I loved the fact that this story picked up where Creatura left off. This author has a way of writing that pulls you in and keeps you craving for more from beginning to end. I absolutely loved the suspense, action. and humor that is placed firmly in place throughout this phenomenal story. I highly recommend this roller coaster ride to all Paranormal lovers. This story will blow you away with its awesome plot and shocking ending. If you are not yet a fan of this author, you should be and I guarantee this author will not leave you dissatisfied. I am so in love with this memorable series and I can't wait to read more from this incredible author. 

Marker of Hope
The Creatura Series #3
Nely Cab

Who will save her from herself?

Upon her return from Greece with three new friends and a broken heart, Isis' hunger for human flesh is stronger than ever. She's a miserable mess after losing David following her betrayal. Her mutation into Creatura is all but over when she receives the surprise of her life, compelling her to seek out David's family. Only, they've broken all ties with her, and she doesn't know how to reach them.

Turpis, the demonic beings that attacked Isis in Greece, have tracked her whereabouts. Now, in order to fend for her life, Isis must join forces with deities she doesn't trust.

Is Isis truly the Marker of Hope as she's believed to be, or will she lose the battle to her starving inner beast and demons, obliterating humankind from existence? Find out in the epic finale of the best-selling CREATURA SERIES.

WOW...What can I say....I am speechless and that doesn't happen very often either. My emotions are on a roller coaster ride right now. I have followed this author since she first published Creatura and I have had the honor of seeing every adventure unfold since the beginning and this author has once again surprised and shocked me in this story. To actually know that this is the end of the adventure for David and Isis makes me sad, but I am happy at how the ending turned out.

The characters are still just as awesome as they have been in the past. Isis has really grown in this story a lot since we met her in Creatura. She is a remarkable character that has an awesome heart for family and friends. Her powers are really awesome too. The love between Isis and David is so incredible, and yet just grows even stronger than before.

The story-line of the book was AMAZING with every shocking twist and turn of each page. I laughed, smiled, and cried throughout this entire story. I was totally entranced by the words coming off the pages that it made it very hard to put down. I even had dreams while sleeping about the story, though I must admit, my dreams outcomes never matched up with the book. There were always new revelations that were brought forth that I was never expecting in every shocking scene that I read. I have literally fallen in love with this last book during every moment that I spent reading it. This author has taken us on a fantastic journey that I will never forget and I will continue finding myself wanting to go back and re-read and never get tired of it. 

I also believe that this would make for an awesome movie and I would fangirl for joy if the time came that it was on the big screen. I give this book not only my five book review but a standing ovation and a huge BRAVO to the author for creating such an awesome world that will be remembered for generations to come. I highly recommend this book and I know in my heart that you love it as much, if not more, than I have. Thank you, Ms. Cab, for the adventure, it was for sure a phenomenal ride.

Check out the Trailer

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Nely Cab is a Writer of stuff, a Master Coffee Drinker, a Food Maker & Eater, an Imaginary World Conqueror, and an Air Breather. She talks to herself—a lot—in her South Texas home while she plots stories about fantasy worlds and sips coffee from a pitcher. She’s known for cooking far too much food and has a tendency to overdo…well, everything. It is rumored that she is fabulous. Nely Cab is the best-selling author of the Creatura series.

Thank you again, Nely Cab for the incredible journey and the memories that I will forever cherish!! Pick up your copy of the series today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Shifters Hallows Eve

Tricks and Treats… Chills and thrills...

Become Enchanted, Haunted, and Hunted this Halloween.

12 NYT, USA Today, and International Best Selling Authors, bring you brand-new, paranormal shifter romances that are sure to make this a Shifters Hallows Eve you’ll never forget!


MATE HUNT by: Sydney Lea
THE HAUNTED MATE by: Bryce Evans
HUNTERS MARK by: Melissa Snark
DARK LOVERS by: Elle Boon
THE WOLF'S GHOST by: Bethany Shaw
HALLOWED DESTINY by: Candace Blevins


 Amazon AU : 
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Enter to win 9 Paperbacks & a Kate Spade purse: ps://


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This was an awesome anthology and one that I will not forget anytime soon!! This was an amazing bunch of short stories that each had their own unique, and yet deliciously and delightful way to keep me devouring them. I finished this book in twelve hours flat....I just couldn't put it down. Each story just begged for me to read it and I had no choice but to respond to them. This is a remarkable set of stories that will put you in the Halloween mood and I highly recommend it. Though, I must warn that this is not for the faint of heart nor for anyone under the age of 18. What and exquisite erotica and a phenomenal wild ride.  

I received a digital copy of the book for review purposes only. No remuneration was exchanged.


Monday, October 24, 2016

REVIEW: Acryen Series by Yasmin Fazli

Acryen #1
Yasmin Fazli

Elle Carlton hasn't seen light in nearly eight years...until now. When faced with the chance to find Kaleb, her missing love, there's nothing she won't do. Her determination knows no bounds except one: he's not on Earth. Elle will have to leave everything she knows, and embark on a perilous journey from our world to Acryen—a realm where nothing is as it seems and truths are lost in all the lies.
In a land where dragons once ruled, magic is the ultimate weapon and kingdoms are on the brink of war. Prophecies are coming to life, and creatures unlike any other are emerging from the shadows. Elle only desires one thing: to find Kaleb. But, what she doesn't know is Acryen has its own plan, and you cannot fight what's already been written.


This book was very hard for me to get into. There wasn't a whole lot of action at the beginning, though I have to admit, that it did start picking up at the end of the story. I couldn't connect with any of the characters because the author would jump from one set of characters to another. When I started a new chapter, I never knew who I would read about next. I did try really hard to like this story, but I just couldn't  and it just seemed to drag on at times for me. I think the story-line would have been really awesome if I could have gotten into it. I do want to add that just because I didn't get into the story, doesn't mean someone else won't. I still give this book a four book review, because the ending was awesome for me.

Acryen #2
Yasmin Fazli

Elle knew that unraveling the secrets on Acryen would be difficult, but she didn't know that it would be deadly. She knew this from the scars on her body and the heat in her eyes. 

Three months have passed and what was meant to be an easy journey across the ocean has turned perilous as she's come to realize that they've boarded the wrong ship--a slaver's ship run by a cunning and devious man known only as Captain Red. Elle can't help but find herself drawn to him and repelled at the same time. Yet, when a powerful hurricane hits the ship and Elle's life is in danger, Peter's hidden powers awaken, and now, they're in trouble. The stakes are much higher than before, and Elle's afraid that the only way out is with blood.

Elle must find the necklace awaiting in Gyoar before an elf meets her end, a quaid falls prey, a mother commits treason, and a king masks his mistake. But above all, she must find it before her fate is sealed in ashes. 

Because where hope lies, fire breathes.


Wow...I totally loved this book. At first, when I finished book one, I was skeptical about reading this book and was dragging my feet a bit on it, but I am glad that I went ahead and read this book!! I was able to follow this book a lot better. Sure, the author jumped from one set of character to the next, but this time, I knew by the chapters which character the chapter was going to be about. I still couldn't really connect with the characters, but the action and suspense in this book made it worth the wild. I felt myself wanting to keep reading to find out what would happen next to a certain character in each chapter. She would kind of leave me hanging to keep me reading and I really liked that. I am curious to see where this author is going to take us in the next book. I am anxious to see if in the end these character finally meet up for the finale. So, to quote the words of Captain Red, 'You will see'. 

The author provided me with digital copies of the books for review purposes only. No remuneration was exchanged.

REVIEW: #HATER by Cambria Hebert

Cambria Hebert

It started with unspoken animosity. The bitter bite of jealousy. And now its full blown hate.

It was during my first football game that I first felt the first chill of hate. I looked it right in the eyes and felt its sticky tentacles reach out for me. I’d never experienced something so cold and empty before.

The effect of that look lingered, like an unspoken promise, long after it was gone. 

Becoming a couple – becoming the other half of a campus celebrity wasn’t easy. I let down walls guarding my heart and he looked past my glasses and accident prone tendencies. Romeo and I are an unlikely match, a #nerd and a jock. But we made it. 

And we’re happy. 

Zach doesn’t want us to be happy. He wants Romeo to pay for getting him kicked out of Omega and for the night he spent in jail. He’s going to use anything and everything he can to get his revenge. Including me. 

As the weather on campus grows cold and the days become dark, revenge becomes the center of someone’s life and the happiness Romeo and I worked so hard for is threatened. 

I can’t help but worry that our love is going to be overshadowed by hate.


Wow....This book was remarkable!! I can't believe all the twists and turns that happen throughout and the love that stayed true to the end with Rimmel and Roman. The story-line was magnificent and the characters are still lovable and unforgettable. I am completely shocked by the ending, and of course, I have lingering questions because the author left me hanging at the end, but I know my questions will get answered at the beginning of the next book. I am so excited, I really can't wait to read the next book and see where this awesome couple takes us. I highly recommend this story to all to enjoy!!

I used my 
Account to read this book

AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT & REVIEW: Marker of Hope by Nely Cab

Marker of Hope
Creatura #3
Nely Cab

Who will save her from herself?

Upon her return from Greece with three new friends and a broken heart, Isis' hunger for human flesh is stronger than ever. She's a miserable mess after losing David following her betrayal. Her mutation into Creatura is all but over when she receives the surprise of her life, compelling her to seek out David's family. Only, they've broken all ties with her, and she doesn't know how to reach them.

Turpis, the demonic beings that attacked Isis in Greece, have tracked her whereabouts. Now, in order to fend for her life, Isis must join forces with deities she doesn't trust.

Is Isis truly the Marker of Hope as she's believed to be, or will she lose the battle to her starving inner beast and demons, obliterating humankind from existence? Find out in the epic finale of the best-selling CREATURA SERIES.

WOW...What can I say....I am speechless and that doesn't happen very often either. My emotions are on a roller coaster ride right now. I have followed this author since she first published Creatura and I have had the honor of seeing every adventure unfold since the beginning and this author has once again surprised and shocked me in this story. To actually know that this is the end of the adventure for David and Isis makes me sad, but I am happy at how the ending turned out.

The characters are still just as awesome as they have been in the past. Isis has really grown in this story a lot since we met her in Creatura. She is a remarkable character that has an awesome heart for family and friends. Her powers are really awesome too. The love between Isis and David is so incredible, and yet just grows even stronger than before.

The story-line of the book was AMAZING with every shocking twist and turn of each page. I laughed, smiled, and cried throughout this entire story. I was totally entranced by the words coming off the pages that it made it very hard to put down. I even had dreams while sleeping about the story, though I must admit, my dreams outcomes never matched up with the book. There were always new revelations that were brought forth that I was never expecting in every shocking scene that I read. I have literally fallen in love with this last book during every moment that I spent reading it. This author has taken us on a fantastic journey that I will never forget and I will continue finding myself wanting to go back and re-read and never get tired of it. 

I also believe that this would make for an awesome movie and I would fangirl for joy if the time came that it was on the big screen. I give this book not only my five book review but a standing ovation and a huge BRAVO to the author for creating such an awesome world that will be remembered for generations to come. I highly recommend this book and I know in my heart that you love it as much, if not more, than I have. Thank you, Ms. Cab, for the adventure, it was for sure a phenomenal ride.

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OUAB 2023 Finale

  Welcome to Black Words-White Pages!! My name is Jenny Zimmerman and I am going to share with you everything that happened last weekend Jul...