Alrighty everyone… Now that we
have seen some basics about Amos Cassidy, and gotten to know a little more
about an amazing book by them…. How about a little interview to get some insight into the authors hmm?
I think yes!
Most of my favorite authors are indie or self-pubbed, what made
you decide to go that route?
Amos and
Cassidy: We like the
freedom of being able to tell a story the way we want it to be told. Most of
our work is cross-genre and we love the contact we have with other self-pubbed
authors, readers and bloggers. Being self-pubbed allows you to get your hands
dirty and really immerse yourself in the industry.
What was one of the
most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Amos: The work involved. There is a lot to do…
Covers, blurbs, formatting, promo…
Cassidy: Writing the book is only the
Which of your characters are you most like? Least like?
Amos: Well, I will say that I would love to look
like Raven! Or even Ossian… I do have Raven’s aloofness and Damon’s love of
art. I wish I could cook like Flo… I’d love to pop round to hers for a
shepherd’s pie – one made with veggie mince, though.
Cassidy: Personality wise I would say I
am most like Rose. As a mother, I would be most like Flo… Substitute the
cigarettes for cream cakes…
Do you have a particular writing habit??
Amos: Music. I
love having music on when writing away.
Cassidy: Not really, I
do like a cup of coffee to hand.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Amos: I would gather several authors together and
create a hybrid. Those authors would be; George
R. R. Martin, Anne
Rice, J
K Rowling, Haruki
Murakami and Stephen
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
Amos: Susan
Ee really grabbed my attention. Angelfall
was fantastic. I also discovered Barbara
Elsborg. She has been doing it for a while, but I only found her work very
recently. She writes some fantastic M/M Romance.
Cassidy: There are a few that I have come
across. Dannika
Dark’s Mageri
Series is brilliant and Victoria
Schwab is a new author I recently stumbled across.
What is the hardest
part of your writing?
Amos: The putting things together
can be quite tricky. There can be a lot of shuffling around and pondering about
what should slot where. We always know what the content should be, but we have
to get there. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, but one that is ultimately fun. We
always get there in the end.
Cassidy: I agree with Amos.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Amos: Just keep
at it! If you want to write, then write. And write what you enjoy writing, and
even what you enjoy to read.
Cassidy: Write what you
would enjoy reading.
Amos: And don’t
give up.
Describe yourself in
three words.
Amos: Neurotic,
geek, diva.
Cassidy: Organized,
loyal, caring.
I know characters are
like children but if you could chose, who’s your favorite from your books?
Amos: I love them all, but my favourites to write
are Raven and Ossian. There is another, but I’m not telling…
Cassidy: I love Thistle! She is my absolute favourite
character. As the series progresses she grows into one of the more
multifaceted characters.
Any song or songs that could basically sum up the overall mood of
your writing?
Amos: Can I pick three albums?
They would be; Aladdin
Sane by David Bowie, Heroes
by David Bowie and One
Breath by Anna Calvi.
Cassidy: Erm…I think Amos covered it.
Do you plot out your books or just freely write them and let the
characters tell you what to do next?
Amos: We plot, but also let
things happen when we get down to the writing. There is always a
plan, but it’s not set in stone. Crimson Midnight had many forms before we
ended up with the book it is today.
Cassidy: We like to leave room for the
story to take over.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider the biggest
influence in your writing?
Amos: Man, that is a tricky one. Can I refer this
back to my hybrid of authors from earlier, please?
Cassidy: Probably the first few authors that had me running
to the library to grab another armload of books – Stephen
King, Dean
Koontz and Richard
What are your current projects? Can you share a little of your
current work with us?
Amos and
Cassidy: As well as The
Crimson Series, we have another series called The Rain Series. The first book,
The Rain: Rebirth was released in January and we are currently hard at work on
the second book, The Rain: Lost Souls. We also have a brand new project in the
early planning stages, and will be working on the fourth Crimson novel, Crimson
Frost, later in the year.
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