Welcome back to Black Words-White Pages. The Author Spotlight for October is Nely Cab. I am so excited to have this author back. Just a bit of trivia....Creatura was the first Indie Book that I read and reviewed and it was the very first review on this blog when I first started it. So, I have been with this author for many years now and I will keep following this author for many more years.
Today, Nely has stopped by to answer a few questions that I have...So, let's get started!!
Most of my favorite authors are indie or self-pubbed, what made you decide to go that route?
In the beginning I decided to self-publish because I thought it was easier. Boy was I wrong! Self-publishing is so much work. But then my publisher extended a contract for my series, and I feel they’ve helped me lower the stress of all that encompasses the publishing of a book by helping me promote, edit, and supporting me through my career. My publisher also gives me a lot of say on book cover options, pricing, etc.
And by the way Nely's publisher is Clean Teen Publishing.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
I knew that writing a book was hard work, but I didn’t know exactly how hard it was. It’s not just about writing; it’s about advertising, networking, making time to balance your home and professional life. When you work from home, there are those who assume you don’t do much. But I for one feel like I’m always working, from 6:30 am when I rise to tend to my mom duties, through the writing between finished loads of laundry, and until I feel my body can’t take anymore. So what surprises me is that I’m still sane.
Which of your characters are you most like? Least like?
I think there’s a little bit of me in every character I write. But if I have to choose, I think I connect more to the two mother figures in The Creatura Series—Nyx and Claire—because I’m a mother too. I believe I’m least like Eros because most of the time he’s a real jerk, and that’s not something I never want to be.
Do you have a particular writing habit?
I like being alone when I write. Silence is golden for me. I don’t mind background noise.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I admire so many authors on so many different levels, from the way they promote their books, to the way they write, that it’s impossible to choose just one. But if I had to name a “mentor”, I would say my mentor is the person who taught me how to better my writing and showed me how to make it work… And that person is my editor, Elisabeth Kauffman of Writing Refinery.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I don’t know if some of these are new authors, but they are new-to-me authors: CJ Redwine, Katie John, Kendra L. Saunders, Heather McKenzie... and those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
What is the hardest part of your writing?
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Keep writing. Better your craft by reading and no matter how much it hurts, hire a good editor and learn from their tricks of the trade.
Describe yourself in three words.
Dreamer, Determined, Diverse
I know characters are like children but if you could chose, who’s your favorite from your books?
Galilea because she doesn’t care what the world thinks and she’s funny. Eros because you just love to hate him.
Any song or songs that could basically sum up the overall mood of your writing?
My playlist and my mood changes with every book, so with The Creatura Series the songs that stuck to me the most were: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, Amazing by Kanye West, and toward the end of the series, Love Is Your Name by Steven Tyler.
Do you plot out your books or just freely write them and let the characters tell you what to do next?
I’m mostly a punster ( I write by the seat of my pants), but sometimes stories do require a little bit of plotting, so I brainstorm and write ideas down to gear me through. A lot of the time, though, those characters have a mind of their own and end up doing whatever they please, sending the story in a totally different route.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider the biggest influence in your writing?
This is a two-part answer. First, I started writing because I was influenced and motivated by Stephanie Meyer. She showed a lot of women that they didn’t just have to be stay-at-home moms. I think I gathered strength from knowing she wrote her first book in her kitchen. Second, in style, I admire the style of Aimee Carter, Tahere Mafi, Jane Austen… The list of my influencers grows the more I read.
What are your current projects? Can you share a little of your current work with us?
My current project is top secret, but I will share a snippet:
A handwritten sign is taped to the bathroom door, reading, Out of Order. To the right of it is the family restroom. I walk into it, and quickly, I turn to lock the door.
“No!” I hear a voice behind me, and I jump.
“I’m so sorry,” I say, blood rushing to my face. I don’t dare turn to see who the voice belongs to. “I didn’t know it was busy.” I unlock the door and push, but it won’t open. “I’ll be right out.” I huff and puff, putting more pressure on the door. “I’m really sorry.” No matter how hard I push, the door won’t give. “I think…I think it’s jammed.”
“Ya think?” A male voice mutters.
I turn around and look at him. He’s glaring at me with angry blue eyes that rest below a set of thick brown eyebrows. And aside from the glare, something about him is reminiscent of a ferocious creature.

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