Well, another successful year for the second annual Once Upon A Book Author Signing has come to a close. It has taken me a bit to come down from the excitement and get my thoughts together to put this post together. So, here we go......
As most of you know Once Upon A Book Author Signing was held this past weekend in Frankenmuth, MI and of course Marvin and I were able to go.
Marvin and I decided this year that we were going to make a vacation out of this trip. So, we left Thursday morning.
Here we are getting ready to leave for Michigan, Thursday morning, August 10th.
We made it to our motel at about 2:30 pm on Thursday. This is where we stayed last year and they even gave us the same room too.
(where the event took place)
We were once again featured on their sign
(Photo provided by Stacey Rourke)
This sign was shown as we drove into the Lodge.
The entrance to the Lodge
As we walked in, we saw this sign.
This of course was the schedule for this year.
Registration was at 10 am Friday morning and below is the the totes with the swag that we got when we registered. Marvin and I each got a tote and had Golden ticket passes to be a part of everything.
Before, I go on, I wanna add something. I tried to make t-shirts on my own for the event, but alas, I had failed....but I did find someone who could do it for me. Thank you Amanda Beal for making this girl a happy one!!
Here are pictures of Marvin and I each wearing them. We wore them on Friday during panel and again Saturday during the signing.
On Friday at 12 pm, I got the privileged to be part of a discussion panel. I got to actually sit with three other amazing women at the Pulse of the Reader panel. Lynn Shaw, Ashley Cestra, and Tina Donnelly and I were a part of this team and authors got to pick our brains a bit and find out what we like, don't like, and what is new and hip in the book world. The video was provided by Jocqueline M Protho of Bookin Around Town.
My costume was planned and I was to dress as Ireland from Stacey Rourke's Crane Series. Sadly, face paint and glasses don't mix and I ended up washing it off before we left for the ball.
Marvin and I at the ball
Here is the fantastic opening for Caught in the Classics Ball. Video provided by Jocqueline M Protho of Bookin Around Town.
(photo provided by Lynn Shaw)
This was a buffet style dinner. The salad and dessert was delivered to our tables but we got in line for the main course.
What I had for the main course
After everyone finished eating, Stacey had the children come up to the stage for a bit of fun.
The kids danced to the Dinosaur Song and then all of a sudden some T-Rex's came out to dance with them.
As most of you know, I was nominated this year for two awards. Sadly, I did not win either award this year, but that is ok. I was up against some really awesome ladies this year. I was nominated and that to me was just awesome anyway and it made for one wild ride for 2017!! I would like to thank everybody who voted for me and supported me this and every year for the past 5 years!! Plus, I can always try again for 2018!!
Best Book Blog Winner
3 Girls and a Book by Lynn Shaw
(photo provided by Lynn Saw)
Die-Hard Reader of the Year Winner
Tina Donnelly
(Photo provided by Tina Donnelly)
After Stacey had announced Tina as the winner, she asked the other nominees to come up to the stage. She had a surprise for all of us. Each nominee got an awesome potted plant that we each got to choose from and take home.
I ended up with two plants because Lynn Shaw couldn't take hers home with her on the plane, so she had me take hers. So, Marvin helped me pick out two of them.
As most of my friends knew, I was working on a surprise for Stacey Rourke and my plan was to present it to her Saturday morning before the signing was open to the public. And my plan worked.
This Candy Dish is a one of a kind masterpiece made by Gary Konkle of Konkle Kreations. I loved Stacey's book Rise of the Sea Witch so much that I had a candy dish made for her.
I fell in love so hard for Stacey Rourke's Legends Saga that I decided to make a lap blanket to represent that book. Yes, sugar skulls. 6 skeins of yarn, 80 individual skulls, and six weeks later, this blanket was complete and ready to be delivered.
I took 100 pieces of swag with me and business cards to hand out during the signing. All of my swag was made by Jennifer Konkle of Konkle Kreations. And there were so many authors there that I ran out before I was done. SO EMBARRASSING!! Our plan is to make more for next year. I have a feeling that it will be bigger!!
I have to admit, I fangirled during this event and forgot to take some pics with people, but here are a few that I did think about when the time came.
Stacey Rourke
(pic taken by Heather M. Mullins)
Heather M. Mullins
Casey Bond
Mary Ting
Solease M. Barner·
(photo taken by Amber Garcia)
Amber Garcia
I went through this entire event and spoke to every single Author that was there that day. It took me from 9 am that morning to 3 pm that afternoon when it was over to see everybody!! It was amazing!!
One of these awesome totes full of swag from Once Upon A Book is up for grabs in the giveaway that is going on now!!
Marvin and I went back to our motel and brought everything in from the author signing and went through it all that afternoon.
I got some really awesome presents this year too!! I kind of wanna show them off.
A coloring book from Lynn Shaw.
A Frog, a handmade paper frog, and handmade bracelets by MCV Egan.
Beautiful pink bracelet and earrings set from Mary Ting that she brought back from Hawaii.
An adorable little insulated purse from Deedle Miyares, daughter of Delphina Miyares.
My book haul for 2017
My signed coloring book from Mary Ting
My signed book by Jessica Cage
I also got.....
A beautiful flower arrangement from MCV Egan
I won a gift basket from A. J. Norris.
Children's books
Some of these books will be sent to our child reviewers.
Handmade bags with swag for our child reviewers.
This tote is full of books and swag that I will be giving away throughout the year and some of it is in one of the totes that I am giving away now.
And of course, I can't forget Marvin's favorite part....the candy he picked up. 😉
Marvin and I checked out of our motel and started our trip back home to Warsaw, IN.
(overall video of what we came home with)
It's an awesome family friendly event that I highly recommend for all to enjoy!!
The tables are now up for sale at the WEBSITE so that way you can sign up now!! Keep a lookout for the ticket sales that will be coming soon.
Hi, Jenny, I just had to tell you it was a joy to meet with you and talk with you while moderating the panel. Wasn't the event fun? I loved it! Anyway, I just wanted to say it was a pleasure to meet you!
ReplyDeleteCharlene Kowalski
And it was a pleasure to meet you too!! The panel was a lot of fun!! I hope to see you again next year, Charlene!!