Wednesday, June 24, 2015

BLOG TOUR: On The Accidental Wings of Dragons

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On the Accidental Wings of Dragons
 The Dragons of Eternity #1
Julie Wetzel
Published:  June 9th, 2015
Publisher:  Crimson Tree Publishing
Genre:  NA Romantic Fantasy

Content Warning:  Violence, language, sexual content

When Michael Duncan is sent to investigate the disappearance of several dragon subjects, he finds himself in a bind. Locked in a dungeon, his only hope lies wrapped in a bundle of cloth tossed at his feet. One kiss and his life is changed forever. Hunted by his own people for crimes he didn’t commit, Michael has to learn a whole new life at the hands of a beautiful woman. Can she help him clear his name, or will just being in her presence get him sentenced to death?
Carissa Markel doesn’t know who this man chained to the wall is, but he’s her only chance for escape. She has power, but, born without a voice, she lacks the means to wield it. One choice, made in desperation, sends them running for his life. Does she have the strength to help him clear his name? And what will her brother, the King of Dragons, do if he finds out what she’s done? That’s immaterial, the real question is… can she keep her hands off him long enough to find out?
Her anger flamed again as she went on. “And now, you have the nerve to come out here, demanding that I hand him over. After having heard his case. Seeing the evidence! And you call yourself a king? How dare you! You’re nothing but a three-footed, webbed-winged…”
Carissa’s mouth moved as she continued to insult Kyle, but her anger had burned through the magic holding Michael’s voice. A smirk broke out across Kyle’s face, inflaming Carissa’s anger even more. Reaching out, she grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed her lips to his, stealing his voice.
This is not a laughing matter!” she screamed at him.
Shock raced across Kyle’s face. She rarely borrowed his voice. And she never took it without asking. His knees caught the edge of the couch, and he went down.
She glared at him as he sat on the couch. “You want Michael? Fine!” Carissa turned and stormed back into the kitchen. Michael tried to scamper away from the raging woman, but she snatched him up. “Fine!” she yelled again as she stormed back to her shocked brother. “Here!” She dumped the little dragon into her brother’s lap.
Kyle’s hands came up to keep Michael from falling off.
“Don’t you dare hurt one goddamn scale on his hide! Do you hear me? He’s mine! And if you even think about asking how he got to be a dragon, you will rue the day you were hatched!”

Let's Question the Author

Where are you from?

I’m originally from Ohio, but I hail from Jackson Mississippi right now.

When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing in 2011 when my sister went into the US Navy. While she was at sea, she needed stuff to read. It was by her request that I first put pen to paper.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I still don’t know if I consider myself a real writer. All I’ve gone is throw words at the paper and hope they stick. I’m still rather surprised that people enjoy what I’ve strung together.

What inspired you to write your first book?

This all falls back on my sister. She said she wanted a vampire story, so I wrote about vampires!

Do you have a specific writing style?

I write in third person and follow the ideas of multiple characters. In the dragon books, I limit these to one person per section, or try too. In the Kindling Flames books, I jump around, but I try to make it very clear who you are following.

How did you come up with the title?

The title of On the Accidental Wings of Dragons come directly from the plot line of the book. Solving the mystery fall directly on the shoulder of our main character, Michael. But he’s got a bit of an issue, Carrissa might have just accidentally turned him into a dragon.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Nope. This is pure fantasy and solely for entertainment purposes.

How much of the book is realistic?

Not much. The world of Eternity is based on the real world, but there is magic and shapeshifting dragons. It’s almost completely made up.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

No. My life isn’t this interesting.

What books have most influenced your life most?

Oh the books are endless. I can’t really name all the books that have some influence on me. I like high and epic fantasy most of all.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Sherry Ficklin. Not only do I love what she does, she had taken me in and helped me understand the world of writing. If I have a question, she is always right there with the answers I need. (Hey Sherry, I love your *face*!)

What book are you reading now?

Right now I’m reading an ARC of So Shall I Reap by Kathy-Lynn Cross. I can’t wait to get the finished version!

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

There are a lot of new authors that I would love to get my hands on. Kathy-Lynn Cross and her Reapers have my interest currently.

What are your current projects?

Right now I’m working on the third book in the Dragons of Eternity series. I am hoping to have that done very soon so I can start on the fifth Kindling Flame novel for Camp Nanowrimo.

What would you like my readers to know?

If you see me out and about, by all means, introduce yourself. I love meeting new people and am very friendly. I also hope you all enjoy the new book.

Originally from Ohio, Julie always dreamed of a job in science. Either shooting for the stars or delving into the mysteries of volcanoes. But, life never leads where you expect. In 2007, she moved to Mississippi to be with her significant other.  
Now a mother of a hyperactive red headed boy, what time she’s not chasing down dirty socks and unsticking toys from the ceiling is spent crafting worlds readers can get lost it. Julie is a self-proclaimed bibliophile and lover of big words. She likes hiking, frogs, interesting earrings, and a plethora of other fun things.


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(An adult division of Clean Teen)

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A bookmark swag pack, winner’s choice of any Clean Teen Publishing eBook, and a $15 Amazon Gift Card.
Giveaway is International.
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